Competency Development and Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry

  • Khewika Sukiam Kasetsart University
Keywords: Human resource development, hospitality industry, work competencies, incentives, motivation, compensation benefits



     This academic paper reports a study on competency development and human resource management in the tourism and hospitality industry. The purpose was to identify an appropriate approach used in employees’ competency development in hotels or the hospitality industry, including personnel development strategies and problems or obstacles encountered in the development process. Such identified data were obtained from literature review, followed by its analysis and synthesis. The results of the study pointed to the significance of work competency development of personnel to create good products and deliver quality services.  This was to ensure business organizations in the hospitality industry to provide challenging incentives and corresponding compensations on the basis of work competencies developed by the organizations concerned.   Employees with good work competencies can benefit the organizations to remain competitive with their business counterparts. Good incentives, compensation benefits, and welfare can then enhance the quality of work life for personnel. It was concluded that motivation and compensation appeared to serve as two main criteria for organizations to offer to highly competent personnel to help achieve their business operations and goals.

Keywords: Human resource development, hospitality industry, work competencies, incentives, motivation, compensation benefits


How to Cite
Sukiam, K. (2021). Competency Development and Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry. RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management, 2(1), 36-44. Retrieved from