Interpretation and Application of “Water” as Medium for Landscaping Design: A Case of the Language of Flow in Fountain

  • Liyun Zeng
  • Nuttapong Jotikasthira
Keywords: Public art, water, medium, fountain, application



      The traditional medium materials of public art are basically solid forms, while artist are often obsessed with water for its variable form. This academic paper took water medium as the main study object, and further studied fountain in modern public art regarding material characteristics, historical development, formal semantics, and key applications.  In addition, this paper drew a conclusion on the theoretical method and principle of water application in fountain through actual cases under study. In this sense, the interpretation and application of water could be based on understanding its special properties and cultural connotations, creating an artistic fountain with permanent vitality, meeting public spiritual needs, constructing a harmonious urban public space, and ultimately achieving the public art value of fountain.

 Keywords: Public art, water, medium, fountain, application


How to Cite
Zeng, L., & Jotikasthira, N. (2021). Interpretation and Application of “Water” as Medium for Landscaping Design: A Case of the Language of Flow in Fountain. RICE Journal of Creative Entrepreneurship and Management, 2(1), 1-12. Retrieved from